maconda supports the LEO II. Fund, exclusively advised by DUBAG Group, with a Vendor Commercial Review on the sale of Holzwerke Pfarrkirchen, a leading supplier of premium timber construction products
maconda-News January 2023
Cologne-based consulting boutique maconda has supported the LEO II. Fund, exclusively advised by DUBAG Group, with a Vendor Commercial Review on the sale of Holzwerke Pfarrkirchen to the Munich-based DEBA Group. The company is a leading supplier of premium timber construction products for building purposes. The maconda’s consultants, who are highly experienced in the construction industry, evaluated not only the market environment and positioning, but also in particular the supply chain and the drivers of the business.
With an annual production capacity of 175,000 mᶟ, Holzwerke Pfarrkirchen is one of the leading wood processing companies in Europe. In Pfarrkirchen in Lower Bavaria, located between Passau and Munich, various timber construction products are manufactured for building purposes. Customers include construction and carpentry companies, the timber trade and prefabricated house specialists.
“For the sales process, we were looking for an advisor who was directly involved in the matter and who knows exactly what investors require. maconda did an incredible job in a short space of time. Precise, fast, reliable, … simply extremely good. A reliable partner that I can only recommend – also beyond M&A processes for analyses that help you in your day-to-day business,” commented Dr Oliver Bensch, Managing Director of Holzwerke Pfarrkirchen, on working with maconda.
The primary goal of the Vendor Commercial Review – the analysis of the market, company and strategy for the main shareholder – was to provide potential investors with faster thematic access to the topic of timber construction products and to show the consistency of the business. In developing the report, which serves as a sales support, the Cologne-based consultants were able to draw on their broad wealth of experience with industrial goods and in the construction industry, which has grown over many years.
The fields of application and advantages of various timber construction products were highlighted, such as solid structural timber (KVH), glulam (BSH) and cross-laminated timber (BSP). In addition, there was a detailed analysis of the many demand factors – starting with the construction industry, the demand for prefabricated houses with their high timber demand, and the importance of wood as a building material and sustainable raw material. Many discussions with sawmills, timber dealers, professional planners and associations helped to estimate supply and demand, as did extensive research in the relevant trade magazines on wood and building. From this, the resulting effects on the future business with timber construction products were derived.
The procurement side and the supply chain were also examined. The focus here was primarily on the availability and pricing of wood along the supply chain: forestry – (integrated) sawmills – wood processors – buyers. Accordingly, the potential effects of the Ukraine war on the sawn timber market were also assessed.
Looking to the future, a joint strategy workshop provided valuable starting points for various strategic growth areas, in which measures for implementation were also developed. As a follow-up mandate, we took a closer look at one of these topics.
About Holzwerke Pfarrkirchen
Holzwerke Pfarrkirchen GmbH is one of the leading suppliers of premium timber construction products with a focus on solid structural timber (KVH). Laminated products (laminated beams and glued laminated timber) as well as scaffold boards round off the comprehensive product range. Since its founding in 1939, the company has been producing on an area of more than 72,800 m2 at its Pfarrkirchen site, employs around 110 people and generated a total output of €65 million in 2021.
maconda further expands expertise in technical products and the construction industry
In recent years, the maconda team has dealt with technical products, industrial goods, trade and the construction industry in general and successfully carried out several projects. These included many commercial due diligences, mandates for strategic realignment and business model optimisation as well as projects to improve operational performance.
Intensive industry experience: Timber construction products| Forestry nurseries | Woodworking machinery | Floor coverings & insulation | Structural fire protection | Technical trades in many trades | Restoration of water and fire damage | Electrical installation | Sanitary/heating/air conditioning | Green roofs | Building materials | Security technology | Lighting | Heating, cooling and ventilation technology | Fire protection technology | Facility management | … and many more